Prof. Imoh Ukpong is an academic, a literary enthusiast and a clergyman. He finds expression and humour very nearby, in his surroundings.
- He believes in the existence of God.
- There are spirits, often unseen and different from the human.
- All things around him, living and non-living have life, can communicate with each other and with man.
- The heavens are an immense conurbation of stars, each representing the abode of a human spirit, or waiting to for habitation by a human spirit.
- Human don’t share stars, even Siamese twins, otherwise they lose their individuality and remain unborn.
- Stars are recycled endlessly in the universe through divine algorithm and can never be exhausted in numerical strength as habitats of human spirits.
- There is a bottomless pit that harbours the evil and a paradise that harbours the good.
- The earth is a micro-concept of creation that perpetuates itself through a coded complex mechanism of linkages and interlinkages.
- The earth code is kept outside the capacity of the human mind, an eternal code of existence which can never be broken.
- The earth is endowed with resources not found anywhere else in the universe and has the capacity to extract from other extra-terrestrial bodies to self-restore itself.
- The earth resources cannot be exhausted or destroyed except by the agency of man.
- The earth uses a combination of complex resources and process to manufacture and assemble inanimate materials in universal assembly lines that have no factory fence.
- God is the energy source and operating system of the earth.
- Energy radiates from God to energise every animate and inanimate particle on earth.
- Without God’s energy, animate and inanimate particles can never change, evolve, mutate or be manipulated into different shapes by nature or by man.
- God has no definition.
- He holds degrees in geography and philosophy and a diploma in theology. He specializes in biogeography, environmental and natural resources management.
- His thesis situates him inside the mangrove swamps and tropical coastal marsh, very hazardous and unhealthy areas of academic endeavor.
- He is a university professor, teacher and clergyman.
- Imoh Ukpong is a Christian intercessor.
- He is called by God to “pray for a healing and plead”
- He therefore takes paracetamol tablets to heal other people and the world of their headaches.
- He is a critical thinker within the ambience of mental freedom, because “when the Son of Man sets you free, you are free indeed”
- He practices Pentecostal Resacralization
- He situates himself in the Holy Spirit
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God
- Imoh Ukpong is a wide-spectrum writer
- He writes about all things many of which he is yet to write!
Academic writing
- He is an academic writer sworn to the oath of excellence.
- He is pro-intellectual who institutes himself in the academic writing factory.
- He manufactures learned writings that are yet to transform the world!
He writes on prayer mindedness, intercession and other issues as the Spirit directs him
Progressive fiction writer:
• Imoh Ukpong extends his approach to fiction into faction
• He brings the past into the present without losing touch with the real
Time-series writer:
• He analyses societal time trends within the present framework and dimension
Alternative writer:
• He explores the human mind as determinants and consequences of any form of human or societal action