A versatile writer, Prof. Imoh Ukponghas also written some fantastic academic works, researches and materials in form of downloadable manuals. These manuals can be used for academic reference, and by students from any tertiary institutions across the globe.
Available Manuals / TextBooks
This academic series has been segmented into seven 7 parts (Manuals). Click on the button below to select a subtitle and download its ebook manual.
This book is a collection of chapters prepared by pioneer environmental educators in Nigeria. These are experienced teachers of environmental management. It is developed for environmental management as a teaching and vocational programme at the postgraduate level, and as a reference source for undergraduates.
The book recognizes the fact that environmental management is a multi-faceted discipline, and often an all-comers affair at this level. Often it admits graduates across most strata of university education into the postgraduate diploma, masters and doctorate programmes.
The book encapsulates the physical and human environment as an introduction before exploring the usual topics such as principles of environmental management, environmental impact assessment and audit. However, it goes beyond these to treat environmental philosophy and ethics, environmental economics and ecological economics. It is a must–read for all persons who have interest in environmental management and ads a vocation.
This comprehensive text has captured the aspects of resource and environmental management from the natural resources point of view. The reader will be enriched with concepts, theories and approaches that have been built up by over the years by resource and environmental management practitioners. The merits and demerits of these concepts are assessed through the course of the seven chapters of the book. These range from unbundling the environmental nexus, to assembling the environmental integration models. It is highly recommended for readership by environmental management students and practitioners interested in sustainable natural resource management, bearing in mind that the environment is where all resources are domiciled.
(Hard copies available on demand)
Biogeography is a core subject in the discipline of Geography and is recognized by the universal benchmark for tertiary education. In this book, Professor Imoh Ukpong has used his expertise to integrate the components of biogeography into an easy-to-read volume for students and teachers of this aspect of geography. Biogeography is defined comprehensively, including its types and relationship with other disciplines.
The earliest development in the discipline is considered under Biogeographic Thought, while the biogeographic environment is given various spatial contexts. What determines growth of organisms in the natural environment as well as types of distribution of plants and the emerging biodiversity issues are considered in the book. The relationships between organisms, particularly the motile ones are examined. Migration and development of the human population are issues that have affected the present global population distribution and its genetic makeup. The book is also recommended as supplementary reference for cognate courses such as climatology, general botany and ecological studies.
This is a handbook for Environment and Development researchers and students, conceptualized from the UN World Commission on Environment and Development. The book contains a collection of previously published and new materials adjudged to have addressed environment and development issues in Nigeria but which are not conclusive or have raised many more developmental questions. It captures the multifaceted spectrum of Nigeria’s environment with the aim of giving meaning to each facet. The book, in synopsis is classified into five parts:
1, Man-Environment Relationships;
2, Human and Associated Impacts;
3, Environmental Processes, Pollution and Policy;
4, Agricultural Environment;
5, Biodiversity and Environmental Change.
The one-hundred and fifteen chapters of the book offers a wide and variety reading across all aspects of the Nigerian environment. It should occupy a prominent place in the bookshelves of those who follow the past trends to view the future of environment and development research in Nigeria.
The environment has been of special concern worldwide over the past three decades. Earlier attentions, however, had focused on the nature, the importance
and deteriorating nature of the environment without much futuristic outlook. In recent
times the degree and the rate of environmental damage have further heightened the concern. Thus, as we embrace the third millennium, the world might be asking: what future environment?
This Handbook focuses on areas of climate change and the environment, Geographic education and the environment, Agriculture
and the environment and ecological sustainability.
7. Dynamic Ecology of Mangroove [Handbook]
This is perhaps the only synoptic work to emerge on the marginal mangrove wetlands of the marginal estuaries east of the River Niger Delta, Nigeria.
The book is written from a global perspective of which the Niger Delta mangroves is prominent and includes contemporary mangrove management approaches, but with focus on the often ignored mangroves of minor estuaries. The minor estuaries are the most impacted upon by anthropogenic activities because of their limited spatial extent. Changes in the local and regional climate has reduced these wetlands, some to near extinction while upland species have invaded the landward margins.
The mangrove ecosystem is analysed from various aspects, including the quantitative approaches. This is a researcher’s material for all mangrove enthusiasts and mangrove wetland ecologists.