Youth culture in Nigeria is exemplified in a university campus in Lagos, Nigeria, a cosmopolitan dragnet where young people from various backgrounds converge, where academic and social life is robust but often both are taken to the extreme. 
The story is conceived as occurring through a period of forty-five years, but compressed into the average lifespan of studentship of five years, with most of the activities taking place within the final years of studentship.
It is an era where young people adopt nicknames and attempt to live up to the definitions of the names or their imaginations and are ready to create, experiment and implement new philosophies and concepts of love, lust and relationship far beyond what is regarded as ordinary, normal or socially acceptable. An era where fraternities dump secrecy and develop entrepreneurial baits for young people to develop their talents and make a living because societal corruption and rot has become endemic and youth development has receded to the bottom of priorities.

Four boys find expression in a musical group named Energy Youth Band during which Kenneth Bassey metamorphosed into Cain Stone as band leader. Their front man and pop philosopher; Erasmus Terhuviurhulla became Eras Ter and priest of the yam god. Johnny Bandele became John Bollocks shortened to Johnny B, a non-patented energy drink originator, and Rotimi Sylvester became Timi Sly who often slept while performing on stage. Supported by four band girls, Kate Mannuel also known as Kitten, Grace Osasu as Gypsy Angel, Marlene Chukwu as Sweetex, and Fatime Jali as Fatimeme, they play and live the night club scene, ride the surf of life and love and gamut of experiences through school and society. But some of them are consumed in the process.

(Read the emergence of these hilarious characters, their relationships, beliefs and love life in The Campus God  by visiting the bookstore through the button below.